Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Big Goal Down, Several Little Goals To Go

I am under 200 pounds. I haven't been under 200 pounds since 1999 and I didn't stay under for very long. 
I still find that I feel so much better when I eat this "new" healthy way. More energy, less pain, more clarity, less cravings. All good things. On my birthday I let myself eat the snacks on the table; bad idea. My stomach let me know that it didn't like digesting those fatty, unhealthy foods and I better feed it healthier from now on. Lessons learned (I hope).
I am enjoying yoga more and more, but I'm still such a beginner and don't move very fast. But the new teacher is so patient and is helping me get into the positions properly. It is also "leaning" out my body. That's so important, since I don't want to be a "saggy-baggy" weight loser.

My HS renunion went well, I wasn't self conscience about still being heavy. Amazing how many of my friends are still in great shape, but I looked great too and since I'm on this wonderful journey I am just getting better and better. Besides I don't look my age (I look so much younger).

My next goal: 189. I would like to be at this weight by the end of October. That's in 5 weeks.