Sunday, December 2, 2012


Although I didn't lose a lot of weight in the month of November; I did lose inches all over. I measured on the 1st of November and again on the 30th. I lost an inch on my bust, on my waist and on my hips. I'm going to guess that I've lost on my thighs, calfs, arms too, but I didn't measure those. I do have some "all over" measurements from mid-April so I think I'll do measurements this week to see how much I've lost since then.

I'm finding eating on weekends to be a little more difficult. My husband likes to "take the weekend off" which means he will eat and drink whatever he wants. It's hard not to join in, but I believe my new way of eating is making me healthy and will keep me healthy. I would really like to stick to our once a monlth only splurges.

My computer is acting up so I think I'll close this for the evening.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Relaxing & Eating

I am currently reading "Reinventing the Meal" by Pavel G. Solmov, PhD. The back cover states "discover the yoga of eating"..."reconnect with your body, mind, and world..."

I'm still on the 2nd chapter of 13, but it is offering some really good advice to slowing down, relaxing and being focused on eating. In this chapter it's main advice is to breathe. Deep cleansing breaths before you start eating. Eat in the "now". Be fully aware of your eating as you are eating it. Breathe, sip water, inhale the aroma of the food, relax, slow down, be aware, reconnect with your body. It's all such good advice.

As I read more I will learn more and I will probably share more...but I felt compelled to share this because anything that slows us down and reconnects us with our selves is a good thing, especially in this season of frantic, out of control, over spending, over doing everything.

BTW, I hit the 80 pound milestone this morning. Hooray for me. I destroyed my knee 6 weeks ago and will probably have to have surgery on it.  My yoga practice has been put on hold, but I'm still walking (limping) the dog. Since exercise isn't the end all be all in weight loss, I'm not concerned; I just want to be able to walk without pain again.