Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sugar Is Addictive

I'm still blaming everything on the December holidays. I can't seem to get back on track and now on top of the 8 pounds I gained in December I've gained 2 more. More accurately I gained 8 in Dec., lost 7 and gained 3 in Jan./Feb., then slowly gained 6 more in Mar.

It's the sugar. I'm having trouble not wanting it. Wine is my biggest downfall (stress from work isn't helping) and then there is the desire for cookies and all things sweet. I can curb some of it with fresh fruit — actually a lot of it with fresh fruit, but then I smell or see something sweet and my cravings go wacko. I didn't have any yesterday, that is a big help. I'm heading to a birthday party this afternoon...that will be tough.

It is my current goal to lose 20 pounds by the end of May, but I'm not putting any huge time table on this I just want to continue to be healthy. I certainly don't want to continue to gain so I have to keep telling myself...It's the sugar.