Sunday, March 31, 2013


"Scientists cannot formulate into pills nutrients that have not yet been discovered."

That little gem is from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book Eat To Live. It is amazing what isn't yet known on how our bodies work in breaking down the food we eat (and when I speak of food, I'm speaking of REAL food not that processed stuff that comes in a box or at the drive-thru). I am living proof that if you eat the food your body needs the body will stop storing all that fat you don't need and you will live a better life. I also plan on living a longer life.

As much as we "hate to exercise" it is so necessary. One of the problems with my knee is that when I hurt it I stopped using my leg correctly and my hamstring muscle stopped being stretched long so now it wants to stay short. My quad muscle stopped being used much so it is weak and doesn't force the hamstring to stretch long. So because of those two small things I can't straighten my knee and I get to do all these really painful exercises to get the hamstring to stretch and the quad to strenghten. Oh joy! On top of this I stopped doing my yoga so my arms are getting "whimpy" and weak. Supporting my body weight in downward dog and plank were helping me maintain my arm strength. This downward spiral is really making me feel old and making my body become old. When I talked to my physical therapist about this (the one that makes me do all those painful, necessary exercises for my leg and knee) she has given me permission to do yoga again as long as I modify it where I won't hurt myself. Now I just have to get myself back into the gym...that's a mental exercise that I've been neglecting too.

I will continue re-reading Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and as I stumble across other helpful tidbits I may post them; but I think the best thing for everyone to do is go out and purchase the book and read it yourself and underline all the "good parts".

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